International successes

Names Year Honour
Ben Hopkin 2011 - W.B.A. B6 Para International
Michael Newcombe 2011 - 2014 W.B.A. Junior International
Hanna Clarke 2009 - 2012 W.W.I.B.A. Senior International
Louise James (Worner) 2009, 10 & 15 W.W.B.A. Senior International
Louise James (Worner) 2008 & 09 Under 25 International
Kevin James 2007, 08, 09, 10, 14, 15, 16 & 17 W.B.A. Senior International
Hanna Clarke 2007 - 2012 W.W.I.B.A. Under 25 International
Kevin James 2007 British Isles Singles Champion 
Hanna Clarke 2005 W.W.B.A. Welsh Under 16 Singles Champions
Hanna Clarke 2004 - 2012 W.W.B.A./W.W.I.B.A. Under 25 International
John Dewhurst 2003 Wales Team Member Deaf Lawn Bowls
Kevin James 2002 - 2008 W.B.A Junior International
Louise James (Worner) 2002 - 2008 W.W.B.A. Junior International
Louise Worner 2002 - 2007 W.W.B.A. under 25 International
Robin Hawker 2001 Special Olympics Bronze Medal Singles
Special Olympics Gold Medal Pairs
Richard Bowen 1995 W.B.A. International
Gillian James 1992, 93, 95 & 97 W.W.B.A. Under 25 International

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National successes

Names Year Honour
Kevin James 2021 W.B.A Singles Champion
Ben Hopkin 2019 W.B.A. Para Pairs Champion
Kevin James 2018 W.B.A Singles Champion
Ben Hopkin 2018 W.B.A. Para Triples Runners Up
Ben Hopkin 2016 W.B.A. Para Pairs Runners Up
Colin James, Kevin James 2013 W.B.A. Pairs Champions
Hanna Clarke 2010 Junior Indoor Singles Runner Up
Junior Indoor Mixed Pairs Runner Up
Michael Newcombe 2010 W.B.A. Under 25's Singles Champion
Louise James (Worner) 2007 W.W.B.A. Under 25 Singles Champion
Kevin  James 2006 W.B.A. Singles Champion
Hanna Clarke 2005 W.W.B.A. Under 16 Singles Champions
Hanna Clarke, Louise Worner 2004, 2007 W.W.B.A. Ladies Under 25 Pairs Champions
Les Culley, Terry Thomas, John Goodwin,  Richard Bowen 1995 W.B.A. Rinks Champions

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County successes

Men Cardiganshire County Bowling Association
Year Player/Players Competition
2017 Kevin James Singles Champion
2016 Robert Tomkins, Paul Monders Two Wood Pairs Champions
2016 Neville Morgan Senior Singles Champion
2016 Colin James, Marc James, Paul Monders, Kevin James Rinks Champions
2016 Dilwyn Jones, Neville Morgan Pairs Champions
2016 Paul Monders Singles Champion
2016 Tomos Bolton Under 25's Singles Champion
2016 Tomos Bolton Under 16 Two Wood Singles Champion
2015 Colin James, Michael Newcombe, Paul Monders, Kevin James Rinks Champions
2015 Colin James, Neville Morgan, Kevin James Triples Champions
2015 Colin James, Kevin James Pairs Champions
2015 Colin James Singles Champion
2015 Tomos Bolton Under 16 Two Wood Singles Champion
2014 Colin James, Paul Monders, Kevin James, Michael Newcombe Rinks Champions
2014 Colin James, Neville Morgan, Kevin James Triples Champions
2014 Colin James, Kevin James Pairs Champions
2014 Michael Newcombe Under 25's Champion
2013 Colin James, Kevin James Pairs Champions
2013 Paul Edwards Singles Champion
2012 Michael Newcombe Under 25's Singles Champion
2012 Kevin James Singles Champion
2012 C James, C Jones, M Newcombe, K James Rinks Champions
2011 Dilwyn Jones Singles Champion
2011 Colin James, Carwyn Jones, Kevin James Triples Champions
2011 Tomos Bolton Under 16's Singles Champion
2010 Colin James, Howard Devonald, Paul Monders, Carwyn Jones Rinks Champions
2010 Paul Monders Singles Champion
2010 Neville Morgan Senior Singles Champion
2010 Michael Newcombe Under 25's Singles Champion
2009 Marc James Under 25's Singles Champion
2009 Michael Newcombe Under 18's Singles Champion
2009 Carwyn Jones Under 35's Singles Champion
2008 Kevin James Under 25's Singles Champion
2008 Marc James Under 16's Singles Champion
2008 Marc James, Emyr Davies, Michael Newcombe, Andrew Clarke Rinks Champions
2008 Paul Monders, Kevin James, Carwyn Jones Triples Champions
2008 Marc James Under 18's Singles Champion
2007 Colin James, Kevin James, Paul Monders, Carwyn Jones Rinks Champions
2007 Kevin James Under 25's Singles Champion
2007 Marc James Under 16's Singles Champion
2006 Kevin James W.B.A. National Singles Champion
2006 Kevin James British Isle Singles Champion
2006 Kevin James Singles & Under 25's Single Champion
2006 Michael Newcombe Under 16's & 18's Singles Champion
2006 Colin James, Kevin James, Paul Monders, Carwyn Jones Rinks Champions
2005 William Morris, Terry Thomas Open Pairs Champions
2005 Gareth Lloyd Two Wood Singles Champion
2005 Mathew Davies Under 18's Singles Champion
2004 Huw Clarke Under 25's Singles Champion
2004 Michael Newcombe Under 35's Singles Champion
2004 Gareth Lloyd Senior Singles Champion
2004 Gareth Lloyd Two Wood Singles Champion
2003 Mathew Davies Under 18's Singles Champion
2003 Kevin James Under 25's Singles Champion
2002 Kevin James Under 25's Singles Champion
2002 Carwyn Jones, Kevin James, Paul Monders Triples Champions
2001 Kevin James Under 18's Singles Champion
2001 Kevin James Under 25's Singles Champion
2000 Phillip Parsons Under 25's Singles Champion
2000 Paul Monders Under 35's Champion
2000 Alun James Senior Singles Champion
Ladies W.W.L.B.A. & C.B.M.C.
Year Player/Players Competition
2012 Louise James C.B.M.C. Singles Champion
2008 Shan Clarke, Gill Elias, Janice Parsons, Enfys James C.B.M.C. Rinks Champions
2003 Brenda Jones, Louise Worner, Eryl.V. Davies, Clare.T.Mitchell C.B.M.C Rinks Champions
2001 Brenda Jones C.B.M.C Open Singles Champion
2001 Brenda Jones C.B.M.C Victrix Ludroum
1999 Chris Welson C.B.M.C Over 60's Singles Champion
1997 Brenda. Jones, Eryl.V.Davies C.B.M.C Pairs Champions
1997 Brenda Jones C.B.M.C Over 60's Singles Champion
1997 Brenda Jones C.B.M.C Victrix Ludroum
1995 Chris.Welson C.B.M.C Open Singles Champion
1994 Chris.Welson, Clare.T Mitchell C.B.M.C Pairs Champions
1993 Brenda Jones C.B.M.C. Open Singles Champion
1993 Chris.Welson, Clare.T Mitchell C.B.M.C Pairs Champions
1992 Clare.T. Mitchell W.W.L.B.A Two Wood Singles Champion
1990 Brenda Jones, Clarice Bulter, Chris Welson, Clare.T Mitchell W.W.L.B.A Rinks Champions

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League successes

Men's League
2019 Cardigan Men C.C.B.A. League Division 1 Champions
2017 Cardigan Men C.C.B.A. League Division 1 Champions
2016 Cardigan Men C.C.B.A. League Division 1 Champions
2012 Cardigan Men C.C.B.A. League Division 1 Champions
2011 Cardigan Men C.C.B.A. League Division 1 Champions
2009 Cardigan Men C.C.B.A. League Division 1 Champions
2008 Cardigan Men C.C.B.A. League Division 1 Champions
2007 Cardigan Men C.C.B.A. League Division 1 Champions
2006 Cardigan Men C.C.B.A. League Division 1 Champions
2004 Aberteifi Men C.C.B.A. League Division 2 Champions
2001 Cardigan Men C.C.B.A. League Division 2 Champions
1997 Aberteifi Men C.C.B.A. League Division 2 Champions
1993 Cardigan Men C.C.B.A. League Division 1 Champions
1992 Cardigan Men C.C.B.A. Joint League Division 1 Champions
1992 Aberteifi Men C.C.B.A. League Division 2 Champions
Men's Senior League
2019 Cardigan Men C.C.B.A. Senior League Champions
Ladies' League
2009 Llan League Champions
1993 Llan League Champions
1992 W.W.L.B.A. League Champions
1991 W.W.L.B.A. League Champions

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Club successes

Year Victor Ludorum Victrix Ludorum Black Lion El - Will
2021 Paul Monders Nicky Page Syd Freemantle Nicky Page
2020 No Comp COVID No Comp COVID No Comp COVID No Comp COVID
2019 Nicky Page Paul Edwards Nicky Page
2018 Paul Edwards Nicky Page Paul Edwards Nicky Page
2017 Gill Elias Paul Monders Gill Elias
2016 Paul Monders Clare Mitchell Paul Monders Nicky Page
2015 Paul Monders Clare Mitchell Paul Monders Louise James
2014 Dilwyn Jones Anita James Paul Edwards Louise James
2013 Paul Monders Louise James Colin James Louise James
2012 Andrew Clarke Louise James Paul Edwards Louise James
2011 Andrew Clarke Gill Elias/Nicky Page Dai C Williams Gill Elias
2010 Andrew Clarke Clare Mitchell Andrew Clarke Clare Mitchell
2009 Dilwyn Jones Louise James P Monders Hanna Clarke
2008 Carwyn Jones Louise James Carwyn Jones Hanna Clarke
2007 Paul Monders Louise Worner Gareth Lloyd Jan Hart
2006 Kevin James Louise Worner Dilwyn Jones Janice Parsons
2005 Dilwyn Jones Janice Parsons Dilwyn Jones Enfys James
2004 Gareth Lloyd Enfys James Gareth Lloyd Enfys James
2003 Kevin James Louise Worner Colin James Margaret Thomas
2002 Kevin James Hanna Clarke Paul Monders Clare Mitchell
2001 Dilwyn Jones Chris Welson Dilwyn Jones Pat Hawker
2000 Andrew Clarke Clare Mitchell Kevin James Chris Welson
1999 John Goodwin Chris Welson Kevin James Eryl Davies
1998 John Goodwin Clare Mitchell John Goodwin Clare Mitchell
1997 Kevin James Clare Mitchell Will Morris ChrisWelson
1996 Dilwyn Jones Clare Mitchell Laurence Makin Brenda Jones
1995 Laurence Makin Chris Welson Carwyn Jones Chris Welson
1994 Richard Bowen / John Goodwin Pauline Eagles John Goodwin Brenda Jones
1993 Richard Bowen Eryl Davies Malcolm Thomas Clare Mitchell
1992 Laurence Makin Clare Mitchell - H Thomas William Jones Clare Mitchell
1991 Les Culley Muriel George Les Culley Eryl Davies
1990 Laurence Makin Clare Mitchell Jack Mitchell Clare Mitchell
1989 Les Culley Clare Mitchell
1988 A Jones Clare Thomas
Year Tom Jenkins Phil Furney Lukes Cup Aberteifi Cup
2021 Andrew Clarke Nicky Page Nicky Page Andre Bann
2020 No Comp COVID No Comp COVID No Comp COVID No Comp COVID
2019 Syd Freemantle Dai C Williams Andre Bann Dilwyn Jones
2018 Nicky Page Andre Bann Paul Monders Paul Edwards
2017 Paul Monders Nicky Page Paul Monders Freddy Lloyd
2016 Paul Monders Mike Williams Paul Monders Mal Evans
2015 Paul Edwards Paul Monders Paul Monders Syd Freemantle
2014 Dilwyn Jones Colin James Louise James Mal Evans
2013 Paul Monders Paul Monders Paul Monders Clare Mitchell
2012 Andrew Clarke Colin James Andrew Clarke Martin Stallard
2011 Carwyn Jones Andrew Clarke Andrew Clarke Kazi Lorenz
2010 Colin James Andrew Clarke Carwyn Jones Mike Johnson
2009 Kevin James Paul Monders Dilwyn Jones Mike Johnson
2008 Paul  Monders Paul Monders Carwyn Jones Graham Jones
2007 Carwyn Jones Paul Monders Paul Monders John Evans
2006 Paul Monders John Whitmore Kevin James Gareth Lloyd
2005 Dilwyn Jones Kevin James Mike Johnson Gareth Lloyd
2004 John James Huw Clarke John Dewhurst Gareth Lloyd
2003 D Jones B Davies K James J Goodwin
2002 K James C James K James TJ Lewis
2001 D Jones P Monders H Devonald R Matthews
2000 P Monders A Clarke A Clarke R Matthews
1999 J Goodwin A Clarke J Crofts T Thomas
1998 G Squires A Clarke H Devonald T Thomas
1997 D Jones A Clarke H Devonald J Mitchell
1996 C Mitchell G Morgan G Squires L Culley
1995 G Jones E Davies B Gibby W Morris
1994 R Bowen G Squires T Thomas T Thomas
1993 P Eagles R Bowen L Culley
1992 J Goodwin L Culley T Lewis
1991 J Goodwin M Thomas L Culley
1990 T Thomas L Makin D Beynon
1989 P Davies L Makin L Culley
1988 G Lloyd J Mitchell H James
Year Emporium Cup Non Winners Bill Jones Cup Most Improved Player
2021 Kevin James Gethin Davies
2020 No Comp COVID No Comp COVID No Comp COVID
2019 P Monders J Higgs I Thomas
2018 P Monders C Mitchell
2017 P Monders F Lloyd
2016 P Edwards I Thomas S Freemantle H Jenkins
2015 P Monders S Freemantle S Freemantle N Arthurs
2014 P Edwards M Williams P Hawker J Williams
2013 C James B Tomkins Bob Tomkins E Jones
2012 A Clarke N Page T Thomas G Davies
2011 DC Williams V Preston R Giles J Thomas
2010 D Jones B Williams K Lorenz T Bolton
2009 P Edwards I Lindsay K Lorenz
2008 C Jones C Rogers J Evans
2007 P Monders K Lorenz K Lorenz
2006 K James L Williams W Morris
2005 K James M Johnson W Morris
2004 P Monders G Roberts W Oakley
2003 DC Williams B Davies T Thomas
2002 P Parsons C Jones W Oakley
2001 E Davies J Whitmore C Ratcliffe
2000 P Monders B Thomas W Oakley
1999 P Monders P Monders W Oakley
1998 J Goodwin A Clarke C Ratcliffe
1997 K James D Jones W Oakley
1996 H Devonald W Oakley W Oakley
1995 L Makin H Devonald L Culley
1994 G Jones G Jones N Scarff
1993 R Bowen M Squires
1992 G Lloyd E Davies
1991 W Morris R Bowen
1990 M Thomas S Davies
1989 B Gibby W Morris
1988 J Rogers L Makin
Year David Evans Pairs David Evans Triples
2021 Brian Williams, Paul Monders I Thomas, E Taylor, G Davies
2020 No Comp COVID No Comp COVID
2019 P Monders, R Thomas A Bann, B Hopkin, A James
2018 S Freemantle, M Williams C Day, R Thomas, J O'Shea
2017 S Freemantle, D C Williams A Parsons, M Johnson, B Williams
2016 B Tomkins, P Edwards J Higgs, H Jenkins, C Rogers
2015 S Edwards, N Morgan C Mitchell, S Freemantle, S Edwards
2014 D Jones, P Hawker A Clarke, G Davies, B Davies
2013 P Edwards, J Parsons P Monders, S Edwards, B Williams
2012 C James, L James K Lorenz, E V Davies, C Jones
2011 B Thomkins, L P Makin E James, R Pope, M Jones, A Clarke
2010 P Monders, M Newcombe C Mitchell, C James, D Jones
2009 L James, V Preston K James, E James, D Boer
2008 C Jones, K James J Parsons, J Whitmore, M Newcombe
2007 J Dewhurst, P Monders M Thomas, A James, D Boer
2006 J Dewhurst, K James G Ellias, D Jones, E Davies
2005 M Thomas, R Matthews M James, G Roberts, D Boer
2004 W J Oakley, A Parsons C James, E James, A Clarke
2003 B Jones, B Thomas E Thomas, J Davies, T Thomas
2002 Hanna Clarke, P Monders L Worner, CJames, K James
2001 P Monders, L P Makin J Evans, DGLloyd, B Pinder
2000 D Jones, B Pinder L P Makin, C Ratcliffe, J Crofts
1999 G Squires, B Gibby B Thomas, G Squires, J Goodwin
1998 C Talbot, W Morris K James, C Jones, A Clarke
1997 C Mitchell, J Davies K James, C Jones, A Clarke
1996 A James, R Jones D Jones, G Lloyd, P Crofts
1995 M Squires, W Jones C Ratcliffe, Lmakin, J Rogers
1994 W Oakley, J Goodwin J Goodwin, E Davies, R Bowen
1993 E Davies, J Goodwin H Devonald, E Davies, B Gibby
1992 K Griffiths, L Makin H James, G Lloyd, T Thomas
1991 P Eagles, L Culley M George, W J Jones, W R Jones
1990 D Edwards, J Davies G Lloyd, T Thomas, B Gibby
1989 N Meigh, J Mitchell V Makin, L makin, J Rogers
1988 J Davies, D Beynon A Jones, G Lloyd, T Thomas
Year Cams Mixed Pairs Sendell Pairs
2021 Nicky Page, Paul Monders Brian Hill, Paul Monders
2020 No Comp COVID No Comp COVID
2019 A Clarke, C Mitchell D Jones, A James
2018 K James, L James J Parsons, B Davies
2016 L James, M James E James, C James
2015 C James, E James S Edwards, B Davies
2014 B Williams, G Ellias
2013 B Williams, G Ellias L James, J Parsons
2012 G Ellias, B Williams N Page, G Ellias
2011 A Clarke, N Page N Page, G Ellias
2010 P Monders, N Page N Page, G Ellias
2009 C T Mitchell, M Newcombe S Clarke, E James
2008 E Davies, J Hart S Clarke, E James
2007 D C Williams, A James L Worner, J Parsons
2006 L Worner, K James L Worner, J Parsons
2005 L Worner, K James L Worner, J Parsons
2004 L Worner, K James C Welson, C Mitchell
2003 E James, C James C Welson, C Mitchell
2002 D Jones, A James C Welson, C Mitchell
2001 E Davies, B Gibby C Welson, C Mitchell
2000 C Talbot, E Davies C Welson, C Mitchell
1999 G Morgan, D C Williams C Welson, C Mitchell
1998 V Makin, H Devonald
1997 C Mitchell, J Mitchell
1996 P Squires, G Squires
1995 B Sendell, L Makin
1994 V Makin, R Bowen
1993 B Sendell, L Makin
1992 B Jones, W Morris
1991 B Sendell, R Phillips
1990 B Spencer, J Rogers
1989 C Mitchell, J Mitchell
1988 J Culley, L Culley
Year Gendros Rinks Jackie Shield
2021 H Griffin, J Higgs, P Monders, A Clarke
2020 No Comp COVID No Comp COVID
2019 A Bann, I Thomas, C Day, D C Williams D Parker
2018 C Day, J Higgs, D C Williams, S Freemantle J Puddephatt
2017 F Lloyd, H Evans, A Wilson, P Monders E Davies
2016 C Mitchell, A Wilson, J Williams, TBA J Higgs
2015 L Williams, C Mitchell, D Rotie, P Monders J O'Shea
2014 G Davies, G Elias, G Stevens, V Davies L Drummond
2013 DC Williams, L Makin, L James, B Williams M Brown
2012 A Williams, M Brown, T Thomas, A Clarke D Swindin
2011 T Bolton, B Tomkins, T Thomas, C Rogers M Williams
2010 DC Williams, L Jones, S Clarke, A Clarke T Bolton
2009 D Jones, L James, C Jones, P Monders B Ellis
2008 D Jones, L Worner, P Monders, K James I Lindsay
2007 D Jones, L Worner, P Monders, K James P Edwards
2006 D Jones, L Worner, P Monders, K James K Phillips
2005 LP Makin, G Jones, J Whitmore, B Pinder J Hart
2004 D Jones, L Worner, P Monders, K James D Newcombe
2003 P Monders, L Worner, J Davies, K James M Newcombe
2002 M James, L Williams, R Matthews, A Parsons E Thomas
2001 D Davies, A James, DG Lloyd, E Davies B Davies
2000 D Jones, E Williams, B Davies, B Thomas M James
1999 C Jones, K James, T Thomas, A Clarke P Parsons
1998 B Oakley, R Matthews, J Mitchell, J Davies A Parsons
1997 M Thomas, H Devonald, E Davies, B Gibby P Dyer
1996 J Jenkins, G Jones, N Phillips, N Scarff K James
1995 K James, M Thomas, E Davies, W Jones C Jones
1994 C Welson, P Scarff, C Mitchell, P Eagles B Pinder
1993 H Thomas, M Thomas, T Jones, W Jones B Smith
1992 H Thomas, M Thomas, T Jones, W Jones D C Williams
1991 A Jones, P Davies, G Lloyd, T Thomas G L Jones
1990 J Crofts, V Makin, L Makin, J Rogers A James
1989 B Jones, J James, J Lewis, J Goodwin G Jones
1988 W Morris, B Gibby, G Lloyd, T Thomas H James
Year Goodfellow Goblet John Martell Evans Cup
2019 I Thomas, J Puddephatt C Mitchell, F Kendall, M Williams
2018 F Lloyd, A Clarke R Hopkin, J Higgs, C James
2017 W Jones, A Clarke G White, A Wilson, C James
2016 P Hawker, C James D Evans, J Williams, M Johnson
2015 I Lindsay, M Johnson N Arthurs, F Kendall, C James
2014 M Johnson, C James Templeton Prize Triples
2013 B Thomas, D C Williams C Grant, M Johnson, L Makin
2012 B Jenkins, B Thomas
2011 L Williams, T Thomas
2010 R Giles, B Thomas
2009 M Johnson, B Thomas
2008 G Jones, M Johnson
Year Eryl's Trophy Triples Hwyel Jenkins Triples League
2019 C Mitchell, A Bann, B Thomas D Parker, J Puddephatt, W Jones, M Johnson
2018 A Bann, G Davies, M Williams F Kendall, J Lyon, D Davies, M Johnson
2017 P Hawker, J Higgs, A Clarke G White, P Hawker, S Freemantle, C James
2016 L Jones, W Jones, I Lindsay J Williams, W Jones, L Drummond, P Monders
2015 J Thomas, A Wilson, C James D Swinding, L Jones, K Lorenz, D C Williams
2014 I Thomas, D Swindin, C James D Swindin, N Arthurs, R Dawson, D C Williams
2013 E Jones, L Jones, L Lindsey G Davies, C James, D Spencer, L Williams
2012 N Bolton, R Dawson, A Clarke V Davies, K James, P Hazzelby, R Matthews
2011 D Davies, G Davies, B Thomas I Thomas, N Page, K Lorenz, D C Williams
2010 C Mitchell, B Williams, A Stallard L Williams, M Evans, D Boer, K James
2009 K Lorenz, G Jones, V Davies, S Clarke
2008 C James, K James, M James
Year Gill Ellias Trophy Inchcape Cup Mal Evans Trophy
2019 J Puddephatt M Johnson
2018 H Evans A Clarke A Clarke
2017 G Williams I Thomas A Clarke
2016 C Day M Williams A Clarke
2015 S Freemantle A Clarke K James
2014 J Williams M Johnson K Lorenz
2013 D Swindin B Thomas M Johnson
2012 D Williams D C Williams K James
2011 N Bolton T Thomas M Johnson
2010 D Evans B Thomas K James
2009 B Thomas
2008 K James

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